How many here would leap in front of a speeding train if it meant that your child would be saved? If it came between you and your child eating, how many of you would go without? How about staying up all night to comfort your child when they are sick?
I’d put money on the bet that you would easily do all of the above. Am I right? I would absolutely do the same as well! That’s because WE CARE!
We absolutely, hands down love our children and would do anything for them because we love them! It’s how love works, really! We are willing to give our children all we have in order to make them feel our love.
But we are only one person and we only have so much time, energy, and patience. Our cup can only hold so much. I’ve heard women say that when you’re a mom, having “me-time” is selfish and I cringe. Why?
Well, one, I used to think this exact thought and remember thinking that I had to be there with my kids at all moments to take care of their every need. It was exhausting!
Two, we need that “me-time” to refill our cups. To replenish our resources. To rediscover who we are without the mom-hat on so that we can show up as a mom and do all the things I said at the top of this post.
And finally, three, “me-time” is the complete opposite of being selfish; It’s absolutely self-less.
"Me-time" is the opportunity to become a better mom, a better wife, a better everything, really! When I take the time to fill my own cup, I find that I am able to be 100% improved in all of my roles. I feel better because I have done the work to replenish my energy, which makes me ready to do all that it takes to be an amazing mom.
When I don’t fill my cup, I am overwhelmed, stressed-out, and completely exhausted and therefore I’m not of any use to anyone! I created this week's video to share with you how I was able to stop thinking self-care was selfish and discover for myself that in fact, the complete opposite is true!
I created a free guide to help you debunk the myths you may be believing about self-care. Click here to download your guide.
So, what do you think? Do you think self-care is selfish or self-less? Let me know in the comments below…I’d love to know what you think!